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Private Tongue-Tie Consultation and Division Service

I will always do a Breastfeeding assessment first, this includes observing breastfeeding and hand expressing and find out about your baby's feeding times &length, wet and dirty nappies and changing stools, baby's behaviour on your breast, how settled your baby is after feeding and how comfortable feeding is.

I will then assess your baby’s tongue appearance and function using the Hazelbaker assessment tool.

If there is a tongue tie which is affecting breastfeeding than I will take your consent first before offering you the procedure.

Tongue tie division involves first wrapping your baby securely. I will then ask you or your husband to hold your baby's head and shoulders securely while I lift baby's tongue and then using sterile scissors to divide the tie.


Afterwards I may use sterile gauze to press on the side. Your baby will be handed to you to feed straight away.

I will support you with breastfeeding now and develop a feeding plan.

After the division I will further support you via text, phone call or face time (video call).

Should you like to see me again face to face, then you can join me on Saturday in my breastfeeding drop in session in Wimbledon. See for more information on this website.

For Home Visits:

I offer home visits within a radius of 60min via public transport, should you be further away then you can see me in my clinic in Wimbledon.

£270 (for assessment & division and feeding support)

£200 (for assessment only, this would be a breastfeeding consultation)

Appointments take up to 2 hours

£190 Follow up home visits or £130 plus room rental (£25 per hour) for follow up visits in my clinic (up to 1.5hrs)

Personal Breastfeeding Consultation in the comfort of your own home or via clinic visits:


I offer one-to-one breastfeeding consultation via home visits or clinic appointments.


I will support you across a range of breastfeeding challenges such as pain when feeding, milk supply, hand expressing and other advice.


Other areas where I can provide distance support  include:

 - Frequent breastfeeding

 - Tongue Tie Assessment

 - Unsettled baby

 - Sore nipples

 - Painful breasts

 - Weight concerns

 - Milk supply issues

 - Breast refusal

 - Breastfeeding Twins or Triplets 

 - Breastfeeding your pre- term baby

 - Jaundice concerns 

 - Maternal exhaustion

 - Breastfeeding on return to work

 - Breastfeeding following breast surgery​

 - Recurrent blocked ducts

£200 for private breastfeeding consultation in the comfort of your own home.

Appointments take around 2 hrs.




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